My latest phone is the Google® Pixel 7 Pro.
On July 23, 2000 I went on the Hooters Motorcycle Day 2000 ride. Partial proceeds of this ride went to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The ride started at Harley–Davidson on Revere Beach Pkwy in Everett, MA and rode with police escort to Hooters of Boston. Riders enjoyed breakfast and camaraderie before leaving, once again with police escort, to Hooters of Warwick.
I rode into Boston with my Dad and 3 others riding buddies (Ray, Tom and Simon) where we would meet up with Steve and
Ryan. We learned from this experience that you cross into a different timezone when you enter Boston! Both Steve and
Ryan’s watches were 5 minutes off from the rest of us. Here’s a picture while we were waiting for Steve and Ryan:
As promised Steve showed us the way to the H–D dealership in Everett where we joined up with lots more bikes awaiting our departure to Hooters of Boston:
Upon our arrival at Hooters of Boston everyone piled into the chow line to get some breakfast. The staff didn’t want us to starve while we were waiting to get in and we graciously offering us donuts, muffins and coffee while we waited:
Here’s a shot taken as the group began leaving Hooters to head for Rhode Island where the rest of the festivities would be held:
And to give you an idea (though this hardly does justice) as to the number of bikes in this event here’s a shot of the parking lot in Rhode Island:
Steve and Ryan, our fearless leaders through Boston so we could take part in this event!
These ladies were nice enough to pose for a picture on my bike for me.
Special thanks to Steve, Tom and Steve for the pictures!!